Corrections 2004
March 26, 2004
Correction: following the publication of a March 17 "UPI Hears" item about Sheik Khalid bin Mafouz, described as former BCCI chairman, his solicitors faxed UPI a message observing that he was in fact a "non-executive" director. A second concern addressed the Sept. 3, 1998, testimony of former CIA Director James Woolsey before the Senate Judiciary Committee that the chairman of the National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia's sister was married to Osama bin Laden. During sworn evidence provided via video link to the U.K.'s High Court of Justice on Dec. 15, 2003, in the libel trial of Mohammad Abdul Latif Jameel and Abdul Latif Jameel Company Ltd. vs. the Wall Street Journal Europe Sprl., when asked: "Have you ever withdrawn that public statement?" Woolsey replied, "... there was confusion in the information that was given me and the identity of the individual, but that it was not Mr. Mahfouz, and I had said to the press on a number of occasions that it is not referring to Mr. Mahfouz."