Khalid Bin Mahfouz | The events of September 11th 2001 and their aftermath | Other issues
The events of September 11th 2001 and their aftermath
Q: What is the view of the family about the events of 11th September 2001?
A: On behalf of the Khalid Bin Mahfouz family, Abdulrahman bin Mahfouz issued the following statement:
"The single most difficult thing was the sadness, indeed horror, we all experienced over the events of September 11. Second to that, we have been distressed and increasingly angered over false media reports suggesting that members of my family may have been in some way linked to financially supporting terrorist groups or activities. There is no truth to these reports. We condemn terrorism in all of its forms and manifestations".
Q: In the aftermath of the events of September 2001, has the family offered to assist the responsible US authorities?
A: Yes, both in the USA and in Saudi Arabia, the family has offered assistance to the US Department of State and the US Treasury Department.
Q: Has any member of the Bin Mahfouz family ever been listed by any agency of the US government, the United Nations, the European Community or any other government as a supporter of terrorism?
A: No.
Q: Was Khalid Bin Mahfouz accused of any wrongdoing by the US Government?
A: No.
Q: Is any US government agency investigating the Khalid Bin Mahfouz family?
A: Not to the best of our knowledge.
Q: Has the family been asked by any US Government agency to discuss the Muwafaq Foundation or any other charitable activities?
A: No.
Q: What was the connection between Khalid Bin Mahfouz and the Blessed Relief charity?
A: The "Blessed Relief" charity or Muwafaq Foundation was established to relieve disease, hunger and ignorance and for other humanitarian purposes. Khalid Bin Mahfouz was the principal donor to the foundation at its inception in 1991 but was not involved in the running of the charity. The Foundation was wound up between 1996 and 1998.
Q: Has any US government agency alleged that the Muwafaq Foundation has provided funding for terrorism, in particular al Qaeda?
A: No such allegations have ever been been made in any official government statement, press release or web site posting, nor has Muwafaq ever been listed as an organization that supports terrorism The former director of the Muwafaq Foundation, Yassin Qadi, was, however, placed on a list of supporters of terrorism by the US Treasury in 2001. Non-public Treasury documents disclosed in litigation indicated that Mr. Qadi was listed in part because, during the time he was director of Muwafaq, he worked with four individuals who were suspected of association with terrorist organizations. Treasury has never, however, identified any financial transfers of Muwafaq funds to any terror organizations. Muwafaq Foundation was a well-respected charity that worked with many other reputable agencies including UNICEF, the World Food Program, Save the Children, UNHCR, YMCA and several other humanitarian organizations to in a number of impoverished and war-torn countries. Mr. Qadi has contested the decision of the European Community to follow the U.S. designation and was awarded a judgment by the European Court of Justice annulling an order freezing his assets. Judgment of the Court of Justice in Joined Cases C-402/05P and C-415/05P (September 3, 2008), 2008 WL 4056300 (Sept.3, 2008).
Q: What role did Abdulrahman Bin Mahfouz play in the Muwafaq Foundation?
A: Abdulrahman Bin Mahfouz was named as one of six directors of the Foundation but had no involvement in the management or review of its activities.