Corrections 2004
Professor Peter Dale Scott, April 19, 2004
Peter Dale Scott
Professor of English, Emeritus,
University of California
Telephone 510 848-6812
To Kendall Freeman
19 April, 2004
Dear Sirs,
I am distressed to learn that there is erroneous and unsupported information on my website about your client, Khalid bin Mahfouz. I am not only willing but eager to set the matter straight, and will take steps to clarify the matter on my website as soon as possible. I have no other interest in this matter but to increase truth and understanding between peoples, so these corrective steps will be welcome to me.
....I shall of course consult inter alia the bin Mahfouz family website, of which I was unaware until now....
....I trust you understand and agree that none of the errors in my posting originated with me. I thought I was exercising due diligence by confining myself to claims for which there were multiple sources. It now seems possible that many journalists had in fact been feeding from the same trough.
Unfortunately there has been a great deal of erroneous information in the area under discussion. I repeat that it will give me pleasure to correct the record in what small way I can.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Peter Dale Scott